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The Florentine Bouquets look like you just came from the florist with their decorative paper wrapping and raffia tie! Blooms in gorgeous shades are enhanced with the addition of tiny bubble berry shoots, colorful leaves, and pine cones. Available in three colors/styles each sold separately.
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Mini artichoke picks offer a plethora of styling options with their pretty tonal colors and unique texture. Easily fits into a bowl or can be used in the same manner as a standard pick. Available in two colors, each sold separately.
*featured w/ Cadence Garland in natural MX8262 & Moody Leaves Bush in wheat TE7613 each sold separately
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Mini artichoke picks offer a plethora of styling options with their pretty tonal colors and unique texture. Easily fits into a bowl or can be used in the same manner as a standard pick. Available in two colors, each sold separately.
*featured w/ Cadence Garland in natural MX8262 & Moody Leaves Bush in wheat TE7613 each sold separately
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Showy artichokes top arching stems with branching accents and offer a variety of styling options with their pretty tonal colors and unique texture.
*featured w/ Moody Leaves Spray in fog TE7602, sold separately